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Alessia Small - Senior Producer


Shelley Dobson - Creative Director

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Ellie Botwood - PR Consultant

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Henry Jayes - Snowboarder

At Creative and Numbers we’re delighted to work with so many incredibly talented and creative folk. Our series of ‘Sit Down With’ features showcase the diversity of our clients, giving us an insight into their working practices and life.

I’ve had my own business for the past 6 years and I’ve always struggled to keep on top of my accounts and invoices. Creative and Numbers have been imperative in helping me get back on track and taking away a lot of the headache so I can concentrate on what I’m good at. During the Covid-19 crisis, they provided knowledge, insight and advice in what was a really scary and precarious time. Sometimes there’s nothing quite reassuring than hearing it will be OK and we will get it sorted. I’m very grateful I found them when I did!

Ellie Botwood, Bot Inc  PR, Branding and Sales Consultancy in Advertising, Film and Art

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